Total Medals Earned: 1,670 (From 234 different games.) Total Medal Score: 41,715 Points
Medals Earned: 2/7 (15/160 points)
Crash Your Bowl
Bounce off the backs of 2 turtles in a row
Beat the Blowfish Boss
Die trying to jump a shark
Beat the Frog boss
Beat the Walrus boss
Travel more than 1000m in Endless mode
Medals Earned: 9/9 (140/140 points)
Collect three Golden Harpoons!
Kill a Slimy with your Harpoon.
Collect six Golden Harpoons!
Watch this mysterious stranger blink.
Kill yourself with a Red Barrier!
Kill yourself with your own Harpoon!
Collect the Golden Harpoon found in Scary Places.
Collect the last of every goldfish out there in the void.
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Medals Earned: 9/9 (375/375 points)
Kill 2 Doctors in the operating theater.
Infect singer in the backstage.
Infect poor rat.
Infect 3 dogs in bonus scene #1.
Complete the game.
Kill himself with a gun in bonus scene #2.
Kill himself with a knife in bonus scene #2.
Medals Earned: 1/1 (25/25 points)
You survived being shot down in the woods, grats!
Medals Earned: 2/3 (10/35 points)
View all the screwy, bolty and nutty art work!
Watch the end credits.
Medals Earned: 2/5 (15/215 points)
Kill 200 enemies.
Save 50 data cores.
Complete level 25.
Complete all 25 levels.
Save all 250 data cores.
Medals Earned: 5/5 (300/300 points)
Make it to the evil wizard.
Beat the game!
Beat level two!
Beat level one.
Get all the in-game achievements!
Medals Earned: 5/5 (70/70 points)
Complete the first level
Complete 10 levels
Complete 20 levels
Complete 30 levels
Complete all levels
Medals Earned: 2/4 (15/140 points)
Kill the Hydra Boss 1 time (Game A)
Score 90.000+ without being hit (Game B)
Kill the Hydra Boss 4 times in a row, without failing any QTE (Game A)
Kill the Hydra Boss 7 times in a row (Game A)
Medals Earned: 17/18 (475/500 points)
Make Gretel walk for the first time.
Obtain the slingshot
Shoot mom in the face
Get Bee Death
Get Spider Death
Get the clock
Get Dad Carriage Death
Get Axe Death
Kill Hansel
Get Rabbit Death
Get Crow Death
Trap the squirrel
Get Fire Death
Solve clock puzzle
Get all 10 stones
Drop all ten stones
Get all 10 deaths
Take 200 shots with the slingshot